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Not a heli thing.. But my thing.. My first true love.. Skateboarding.. Some may laugh at me.. about to be 42 & still riding.. My best bud Jeff(the guy with the golf shirt going mach 10) is about to be 53 & still kick'n my butt... Anyhow.. Love that I'm still able to ride and enjoy being a stupid kid with my buds... One of the guys recently re-shared this video from 2011... Miss that backyard ramp!.. Thought I'd share.

Our new ramp.. Just as much fun!

Danny Dugger:
Awesome videos dude, it's cool that you still skate. Brings back a lot of memories. I stopped in my late 20s, but I loved it back in the day. That first vid was badass, you had a freakin park in the yard! lol My friends and I always rode street, never really messed with the ramps. Woulda loved to, just didn't have access. Now there's a big skate park right next to the flying field and an indoor one closer to my home! Lol

I dig it all.. Street, mini ramp, park, bowl... Kinda funny.. I think I know why I've been nostalgic lastly.. Just realized today is the 6th anniversary of my last back surgery.. I have degenerative disc.. They just wear out.. I saw this joy being strip'd away from me.. Glad the the surgeries have worked!

Mike Spano:
that's cool as hell  man!

I have a step son that almost went pro skateboarding. he didn't go because he was having trouble keeping his head on straight, not because he wasn't good enough. really a shame. the pros came here, a few miles down the road from the house, to put on an event and saw him. that evening they asked us if we would bring him to skate with them the next day privately, it was pretty cool. he was pumped. too bad he didn't go, I would be all set by now! LOL

PS: he is doing much better now and headed down the right road. funny what a little talking to, backhanding, and a few dentist bills will do for a teenager :)


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