Synergy Nitro Helicopters > Synergy N7

N7 (My Personal Thoughts & Review on this Machine)


Kevin Feil:

 This is my take on the N7 and the Public Reaction, I copied it here in the Main Discussion Section..

 This N7 is and will be the Machine to beat hands down.. I spent a lot of time looking at other Manufacturers machines this weekend at Ircha and there is nothing remotely close to the quality and weight of this Big Block Heli. What a Truly Awesome bird! It does still share some features from the late N9 (Tribute to another Great Synergy Heli, Cooling fan and Shroud). And of course seeing is believing the Beating Matt and Cherry gave it. Kudos to Matt and his flying and letting Cherry pull on the sticks and Beat on it some more. Without Risk there is no Reward, and even though this is the only one of it's kind right now, they flew it as if there were 100. The Machine Climbs like a Home sick Angel and Just plows through what ever maneuver you throw at it without effort, and Auto's as if you were landing a Cotton Ball! It just sits up there!! If your pressed for time (Don't Auto It) you will miss your appointment!! ;) Great Job Matt, Can't wait to see the Lid for this Beast, It ought to have Teeth painted on it like the old "Spitfires".. To unveil this Machine at Ircha in my opinion was Crucial. I will go on record and say that all I heard along the Vendor Row and Heli Enthusiast is how excited they were Matt was releasing a New 700 class Nitro and how everyone can't wait till it's for sale to the General Public.


Brandon Bartolomucci:
Agreed. Just listening to chatter at IRCHA was enough to get the feeling that people were impressed and excited about the design as well as the fact that it's another big nitro in the market which is limited as is in my opinion.

Good review Kevin!

Brandon Bartolomucci
Sent from my iPhone


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