Synergy Nitro Helicopters > Synergy N5 / N5c

N5c Belt Driven Static


Plan to start building my N5c in a couple of weeks or so.  Should I be concerned about static build-up in the tail caused by the belt drive system?  If so, should I use some sort of anti-static spray or ground the tail?  Will a silicon spray applied to the belt provide some protection from static build-up?


Brandon Bartolomucci:
To help the belt be as smooth as possible a good shot of silicone spray coating to the whole thing a couple times a season will help it and help minimize static. Kevin Feil suggested this to me and I've been doing it ever since. Spray the belt that is exposed at the rear of the boom and turn the main rotor by hand to cover it all and make sure you get the teeth and the back side of the belt. Soak up the excess with a rag and then hang the heli upright to let any more excess drip down.

Also, Matt has noted before that the heli is actually already grounded due to the metal belt pulleys which then to touch the carbon frame. Plus the metal pulleys will help eliminate static since plastic ones rubbing the belt tend to build up more static in the first place.

Brandon Bartolomucci
Sent from my iPhone

Kevin Feil:
+1 for Brandon ;)


Thanks Brandon, I'll take your advice.

Best Regards,

Matt Botos:
No worries about static, especially with a nitro helicopter.

++ 1 for silicone spray on the belt.



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