Synergy Electric Helicopters > Synergy 766

"Tunable blade grip pitch arm geometry"


I see that the 766 has "tunable blade grip pitch arm geometry".
Is this something you will tune to keep your FBL unit of choice  happy ,when you setting max/min pitch and cyclic pitch? So you get the "correct" numbers during setup etc?


Josh Moen:
Most everyone will probably run in the outer position but, the inner position on the grip arms will provide excessive amounts of cyclic and collective travel for extreme flight characteristics. If you needed to use that position to get the travel and setup numbers in your FBL system correct, do so, just be aware that it will put more stress on servos. The inner position is mainly for those wanting extreme pitch and cyclic rates. I hope this helps.

Thanks for the fast reply.

I whant it the other way around :)
I need as much mechanical resolution as possible, as I fly F3C.
Especially on main pitch. As its needed for hovering in the wind :)

The furthur out the mainblade pitch arm is, the better for me :)

Josh Moen:
I would completely agree. The more resolution the better.

If you have any other questions, let us know!


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