Synergy Electric Helicopters > Synergy 766

Motor bolts


Thunder Fighter:
Hi guys,

I'm away from home at the moment but the last step I was working on before I left on my 766 build was mounting the motor. I had a few different M4 bolts but they were a little short due to the thick mount on the model so could only get a couple of threads into the motor. I'm not sure if they were 10mm or 12mm bolts, can anyone tell me what length bolts they used for mounting the motor. I want to order a set so I have them for when I can get back to the build.


Chris Sexton:
I used 12mm bolts

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Kevin Feil:
Ditto , Home Depot or Lowes


Richard Rollins:
Ace hardware if the other two above mentioned don't workout.

Thunder Fighter:
Thanks guys, I'm putting an order into fastlad as I'm in the UK and will take them back to Oz when I go home next.



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