Synergy Electric Helicopters > Synergy E5

Tools and supplies for Synergy "E" Build

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No one else makes Synergy specific ball link pliers. Sorry.

You can take an old ball link pliers and Drummel the part which goes around the ball.

I have found it is better to lube to TT bearing supports with denatured alcohol instead of oil or silicon. It works just as good for lubrication but evaporates away, allowing the supports to stick. Just soak a cotton ball or rag with alcohol and push it through with the TT. I usually use the tail gearbox to push the shaft through so you know it is in the correct position and its easier on the hand.

Greg Jackson:
What store can I find the bearing grease and Moly Kote?  Also why are the servo lead extensions needed, do the servos not reach to the esc?  Oh yeah, I'm not sure what type of oil I have.  How would I know if I have triflo, or would the scorpion motor oil be sufficient?  And does the Boto lube substitute any of these oils/grease?

Brandon Bartolomucci:
I know I will be needing servo wire extensions in order to connect the ESC/BEC to the receiver. I have the receiver in the back so all servos reach it in my case.

For the thrust bearings I have always used automotive wheel bearing grease. It stays in place and coats well in my experience. I ordered the Scorpion motor bearing oil kit and Moly Kote from Ready Heli.

As far as Triflow goes, I use that on the main shaft and tail shaft. If you have it the bottle or pin point lubricator should have the name on it.

Brandon Bartolomucci
Sent from my iPhone

Greg Jackson:
When I get back in town I'll look on it.  Probably very small type.  So moly more cant be found in a store? Guess I'll order now.  Your first sentence, did you mean you do not need the extensions because they are in the back? Sorry, the first two sentences confused me a little. Thanks for the tips!


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