Synergy Nitro Helicopters > Synergy N556

FBL Controller



I am getting back into flying my Synergy again   :)

I have a DX6 and Futaba 12 transmitter, and was using a CGY-750 controller.    I never was able to get the governor to work.  So I figured to start from scratch.     

What is a good FBL controller to get with a governor function for my OS55 ?     Either radio system would be fine.  I was thinking Beastx or Ikon2.



I had the same problem with the Futaba 760r. Tried endlessly but could never get the governor to work correctly. Decided to try using Vbar control and vbar neo, like I have been switching my electric helis to. Works perfectly - first nitro I have built in many years, and by far the best flying nitro heli I have ever owned. The Vbar governor is flawless in performance.

Out of curiosity what about it just doesn't work? IMO the CGY750 has the best Gov in it's stock setting. Other FBL units I have had to tinker with it to feel like I had power on a good tune.


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