Electronics Setup Information > Setup Info

Esc dilemma! Fixed endpoints or Governor mode?

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--- Quote from: Dogman on January 14, 2017, 03:21:03 PM ---I'm running CC Phoenix Ice2 160 HV, Ar7210 BeastX...

--- End quote ---

The Castle Phoenix ICE2 HV line of ESCs are known to be generally good and reliable (again ICE2), but the governor performance has not caught up to the competition.  The adequacy of the Castle governor may depend on your collective management skills and how aggressively you fly.  There are parameters you can tweak to optimize the governor performance (governor gain, motor timing, PWM, lower collective range, etc.), but there is only so much you can optimize.  A relatively economic way to improve governor performance with the equipment you have is to install a $4.50 HobbyWing RPM sensor and connect it to the AR7210BX so you can use the AR7210BX governor.  You may have to purchase the BeastX Pro firmware to unlock the governor function though.

Is it that noticeable? I'm thinking I'm not draining my packs far enough to notice the rpm drop? What voltage do you guys bring your flight packs down to? I'm going down to 3.8 across the board.

Robert "Full" Montee:
On fixed endpoints and the throttle set to 90% you are likely starting the flight around 2300RPM. There is a large difference in how the heli will feel from 2300 to 1950.
This assumes you are running a 12t motor pinion.
The castle gov set to "Set RPM" will likely govern a max headspeed around 1980 RPM.
This is likely lower than your lowest RPM on fixed endpoints at the end of the flight.
Save and share your full configuration from CastleLink please.

Here is my setup info. The head speed I picked was the maxed I could enter without it turning yellow or red and saying it can not govern that head speed. I physically counted the motor pinion, and the main gear has the tooth count stamped on it. I looked up the motor to get the 10 pole count. Thanks for looking and helping. So I guess I am not bringing my flight packs down low enough to notice a drop in head speed if you are saying it drops that much from the beginning to the end of a flight. I guess I should be bringing the flight packs to around 3.4v or 3.5v instead of 3.8v where I bring them to.

Robert "Full" Montee:
Voltage has too high of a variable to be a sole measure.
For example my flying style coupled with a mAh telemetry, my batteries have a resting voltage of 3.7 - 3.75 volts per cell minutes after flight completion.
The mAh alarm alerts at 3400 mAh.
A battery checker shows I have between 20 - 30 percent remaining.

Short question to what is written above, how many mAh are your chargers putting back into the batteries and how long was the flight for your fixed endpoints setup.


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