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Heli Sizes??

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I know Synergy is trying to catch up to the high demand of the new E5 (which I will be buying!!),  but is there talk about even smaller sizes or keeping up with the 800 class trend?  Hopefully it will be a ground up 800 not a upgrade with bigger boom.  Just wondering what's the next step for synergy (other than the TT upgrade N5c)?? :)  This E7 has made me a total fanboy!


Chris Sexton:
Well Matt is always tinkering something together in the off season, but I don't think there is an official list of projects. We generally find out about them as he is completing the first prototype. Matt likes to keep things to himself until they are ready.

I am sure there are more models tucked in his brain somewhere waiting their turn :)

Well I certainly think that every vendor learned a valuable lesson in the Avant Aurora E catastrophe!  But I agree Im sure Matt has something up his sleeve! :)

What is the Avant Aurora E catastrophe?  Just curious.

Oh boy, hope I didnt open a can O' worms. Basically, I think it was 2009 and the Aurora E 90 was unveiled at IRCHA with the expectation per Avant that it would be released 3 mths later...then 2010 came and no word, it was causing forum meltdowns of folks getting absolutley angry. I'm not sure how many expected dates Avant claimed the release but another IRCHA came around and no Aurora E ...So infumed prospects went with other brands. Finally it was released not sure the date but the damage was done, so many ppl were angry at the broken promises of release dates.  Stones were thrown from both sides, unfortunate situation.  The Avant 50/55 was in prototype stages (I heard) and being tested and no word on it at all.. Avant made a stand and posted on their site that there would be no news until the 50/55 had almost reached or was in production, but it had such a strong tone to the msg due to the 90E situation that eventually Avant was pushed to the back of the line(IMO).  Talk of a 50/55 was back in 2011 I think.   So I understand if Matt keeps everything hush hush until there is definitly something to talk about! 

...but I was just curious and impatient cause I'm excited about synergy products!!



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