Synergy Electric Helicopters > Synergy E5

Which FBL controller

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Greg Jackson:
I'm having some issues with my micro beast on another helicopter and don't think I want to use that for the E5.   Which FBL controller are most of the Team Synergy pilots using?

I'm not a big fan of the Microbeast either.  I run the Futaba CGY-750 and so does a few others, but everyone has their personal preference.


Varied I'm sure.
As for myself I use and love the V-Bar. I know lots of guys are also having great success using the Futaba CGY 750.
Good luck on making your choice.
One thing is for sure, you should choose one FBL controler that you love and then get to know it inside out and use only this brand in all your helis. This way if a problem occurs you should be able to fix it with your eyes closed.

Chris Sexton:
Really no wrong answer here, really depends on what you're comfortable with.

I have flown most I tend to stick with the vbar. But that's a personal preference

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I am running microbeast on everything and really like it.  The tail takes a little extra to get sorted. But works fine.
 I have an AR7200BX waiting for my E5
    I can understand changing controllers if your having issues.  But if you want help sorting it out, you can find help here also.



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