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Author Topic: tail is moving to the right slowly  (Read 2004 times)

Offline Erutsyn

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tail is moving to the right slowly
« on: September 26, 2013, 02:04:03 PM »
hello. In the still position the tail is moving to the right slowly. all the arms are at 90 deg.  I use a Vbar. I use VBAR on all my 4 helicopters. there is a slite movement of the tale (right <--> left). I use 100% giro gain. if I lower it the movement incrises. Please let me know what do you think.


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Re: tail is moving to the right slowly
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2013, 03:10:20 PM »
What you seem to be describing is tail wag?  If a change in tail gain does not help then I would check all of the tail linkage for binding.  Did you size the tail pitch links?  This is a must do.  You want the tail linkage to be as free as humanly possible.  In many cases this will cause what you describe.
What tail servo are you using?


Offline Erutsyn

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Re: tail is moving to the right slowly
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2013, 11:46:09 PM »
I am using outrage toro bl9188. it seams I solved the problem by using a trim for the rader on the radio (one click). I was not shure if I am allowed to use a trim with a VBAR. It seams that the gain does not affect the tail. it behaves the same at 100% and 65%. (before I used the trim , I tried different gains) .

Offline Rodney Kirstine

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Re: tail is moving to the right slowly
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2013, 09:08:05 AM »
Instead of using trim in the transmitter, you should adjust the length of the linkage.  The normal procedure for setting up the tail is to put the rudder gyro in normal (rate) mode and then put the helicopter into a hover.  If the tail drifts, mechanically adjust the linkage until you have no left or right drift.  After you get the tail set up mechanically, you can then switch the tail gyro to heading hold mode.

If I understood your original post, it sounds like what you are seeing it that the tail is drifting to the right as you try to hover?  It almost sounds to me like you have the gyro in rate mode because (from what I've seen anyway) the tail has to be set up way off for it to drift in heading hold.  This might also account for why you're not seeing much difference when you change gain values?

I'm just kind of stabbing in the dark, here, based on the little information you've posted so far.  It would probably be easier for the guys to help if you could post some more information about your VBAR settings, what radio you're using, etc.

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Offline Scott Anderson

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Re: tail is moving to the right slowly
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2013, 09:51:01 AM »
How far out from center it the ball on your servo arm? I have mine about 15mm and using 60% gain on vbar. If your having to use 100% gain I believe that you have it to close to center. What is your end point percentage in the vbar setup menu? Should be as close to 100% to left and right as possible.

just thinking out loud cause not 100% sure but worth looking into , if the governor gain was to high would that cause a tail wag from the excessive rpm change.
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Offline Erutsyn

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Re: tail is moving to the right slowly
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2013, 02:26:15 PM »
I solved  the problem by changing the sub trim on my radio. even thou it showed 0 in transmitter set up of the VBAR, it was not the center. Now the center shows 2 instead of a zero. my radio's stick is off I gess in relation to a VBAR.  In travel adjustment I have -119 to 117 to get -100 and 100 on the VBAR transmitter set up. anyway it works now.

Offline Scott Anderson

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Re: tail is moving to the right slowly
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2013, 08:15:14 AM »
Glad you found the problem
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