as far as mechanically trimming the swash, yes, everyone MUST do this on ALL FBL systems. that is traditionally done during the original setup of the heli, when you set your horns at 90 degrees, and level your swash...
swash: you USED to have to do a trim flight and use the trim tabs to get it perfectly hovering, then land and flip into and out of gyro on and off a few times for it to remember the trim positions. you DO NOT have to do that anymore, the unit itself can do this is what I am being told.
the tail: you should always trim your tail rotor in rate mode IMO to get the perfect mechanical offset and equal pitch on right and left rudder. you do that by getting in a hover, and turning rate more on, that will turn heading hold off. if the heli begins to piro to the right, then turn heading hold back on, land, lengthen the pushrod a turn or two, and try it again, if it hovers and piro left, then land and shorten the rod a half a turn or so until you get the heli hovering as close to perfect as you can in rate mode, then turn heading hold back on and go to town!
its pretty easy, and the better the mechanical setup, the better the heli flys.