The only links that should need to be sized on the 516 are the tail pitch slider links, which are 6mm.
I actually ended up having to size almost all of the links as they were way too tight to use without sizing. If the sizing tool was rotated more than one turn, with the center sizing screw removed, the links were rendered useless which was the reason for this post.
The explanation I received from Matt was the screw in the center was used as the sizing tool wears down a little. The screw was meant to expand the tool to allow the tool to keep on sizing after it wears down a little.
I am not saying what I was told is wrong but one question I have is just how many links would have to be sized before the metal sizing tool wore down enough to require the use of the screw.
Other than the 516, every time I have ever sized a link, the tool was placed over the link then the screw was adjusted until it was barely snug then turned. The link is then checked for fit and sized again by adjusting the center screw a little if needed.
Normally when I size a link, the links start off teeter tottering on the tool with very little to no force being exerted until the center screw is adjusted.
Is this the wrong way to go about sizing a link?On another note, the 516 build is almost complete and with the exception of the link sizing has been a real pleasure to build. In fact, there are only two heli manufacturers I would ever purchase another heli from again and that is SAB and Synergy with Synergy being at the top of the list.