I agree sanding frames is essential in the areas where wires are going past, also wire wrap or spiral wrap your wires.
another tip if you have allot of wire in one area is to use fuel tubing, it doesn't look as nice but it damn well does the job, I had allot of pressure on ESC wires on my old X5 and they were right on the frame edge, nothing I could do to stop it and I wanted some extra protection against the carbon on top of sanding, so I took some hobby fuel tubing, cut a piece the same length as the area to secure then carefully slit one side open and spread it over the edge, the I took some thin CA and a cloth and held the heli so I could drip the thin CA in between the tubing and the edge, this bonded the tubing to the frame, worked like a charm, just be very stingy with the CA so you don't drip it everywhere