Hows it going guys,
so i've been on multiple forums for the past couple of weeks with bogging issues with my brand new e5. I'm sure some of you have seen a couple of the threads. Originally i thought it was a problem with the motor, so i had posted in the kde section. then i posted in the synergy section on HF just to get some input there. I've tried everything. and i mean, i've tried tuning the motor/esc in every possible way, even been in contact with patrick from KDE, nothing was helping. I even bought an RPM sensor and switched to an external gov and that didnt help. So today i was down at the field and i realized that after i land, when the head is spooling down, the main gear and motor continue to spin until the head stops. and when i pick the heli up, the hub/one way bearing is locked, so when i spin the head, both motor and main gear still spin. then after sitting on the bench for a few mins, it frees up. but i also noticed today, that when i was spinning the head with my hand, it feels bound up for about half way through the revolution. So i'm beginning to think that its the one way bearing/main hub.
Does anyone have any ideas?? i've been dealing with this issue since day 1 and the heli is only about 3 and a half weeks old. I love the flying characteristics and how locked in the heli is, but i have to baby it everytime its up in the air because of how bad it bogs. and the ESC comes down hotttttttttttt, like really hot. so i know that this bogging issue is putting a hurting on the ESC and motor, and i'm sure its killing my packs as well.
Is there any way to get in contact with the factory and maybe get them to send me a new one way, or main hub? i mean, the heli is really only 3 and a half weeks old, so there should be some way they can help me out right??
any info would be greatly appreciated!
thanks a ton guys,