Hey Guys
I swapped my brain for a CGY 750 1.4 since I was not able to get the GOV working right with the brain. I have the CGY 750 as well on a rex 700n and it works really good.
Now I did my first flight today with CGY 750 on the n5c TT and it is working fine in idle up 1 and 2. Engine is YS60sr. when i switch to my idle up 3, the machine gets a hard left ail input as if it wants to tip over and i struggle to keep it up in the air. I do have to switch quickly down to a lower rpm idle up then. when the rpm drops, the drift is gone after one or two seconds.
my rpm is supposed to be 1600, 1900 and idle up 3 was set to 2500. I think I forgot to lower that after setup up. anyways it is strange. I lowered the idle up 3 rpm to 2300 and still had the drift.
richening the engine (high needle) is lowering the rpm and helps with the drift, but power is insufficient.
I thought it might be the gain and lowered ail and ele gains from 50 down to 40 and it was noticeably less ail drift but still unflyable and definitely not crisp enough anymore down on 40.
I am afraid uf raising the gain right now up to 60 or so....
Could it be a vibration issue when I run the motor to lean which then would provoke such an ail drift?
Any other ideas?
thanks for help,