I maddened the E7SE the other day, on 6S simply because I didn't have a 12S pack. Very cool - I like low head speed :-) Huzzzaaaah!
Anyway, I tached 95% throttle on the Jive 120 HV at 1040 RPM (remember: 6S). My problem/question is this when I run 98% (1150) I hear a screeching noise from the drivetrain. The hell still flies, but as soon as I back off the RPM a bit, the noise goes away. I've flown 450's, an X5, an X7 and a Goblin 570 - so I'm not utterly a newbie. This definitely does not sound right.
I should mention I have no, and I mean absolutely zero vertical play in the main shaft assembly - and I wondered if I should take out the main shaft shim (109-110) in case that's the cause.
Or perhaps its gear mesh too tight on the main gear / tail?
If anyone else has had screechy (I know, suck description) noises and solved it - keen to know what you did.
John Clayton