My Synergy E5 went over in my first attempt with the CGY-750.
Was kind of a newbie mistake, I had the compensations set reversed to what they should of been.
I did check multiple times, tilted the helicopter to the right and forward and watched the swash move in the correct direction, but I was fooled.
Be aware that the actual compensation is very subtle and hardly visible. Then after the compensation the swash slowly moves to level, that's what fooled me.
So I missed the actual compensation, you really have to hold the link with your fingers-like it says in the manual-when you tilt the heli to actually feel the slight compensation movement.
Lesson learned
Main blades, rotor blades, boom supports, stripped servo horn, broken landing gear (All on the way already thanks to Alan).
Still it could've been a lot worst.
GaryL from another forum gave the following awesome tip, "I check the gyro comp direction I temporarily set the gains to 100%, you can realy see the swash comp movement when you do that."