Hello , I have seen a few question come up about installation of the wire from SBE-1 to JR
OK in this photo are the wires from SBE-1 starting from the top:
1 = Throttle
2 = Aileron
3 = Elevator
4 = Rudder
5 = Gear
6 = Aux1
7 = Aux2
8 = Aux4
After trimming the Futaba J connector the plug still will not fit that good, once you put them in they WILL NOT come out without breaking..or at least mine did. As you can see in the pic I removed the plastic plug and added heat shrink and only used the pin then on finial installation I applied hot glue to the backside of the heat shrink. *Make sure you relabel the wire numbers because Futaba put the sticker label on the plug...Once powered up go to the s.bus menu in the CGY750 and assign the corresponding channels, the channels not being used select them to INH
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