The switch for the electronics on the N5c has always been a little annoying for me. It wouldn't be so bad if you could get the magnetic canopy mounts, but I haven't ran across a set of those yet. I have been able to use the fronts from a Quick UK T700 set on the front but no joy for the back. I finally got off my butt and worked up a decent solution.
I had a Fromeco Badger fail safe switch laying around that I decided to put to use. The big problem with this switch is it's abnormal form factor. It won't fit in a normal switch slot and it was too wide to go beween the frames (for a top or bottom mount). With a few mods to the switch and a little wiring I was able to get a functional solution.
I made a "switch"/ antenna mount for the top of the servo tray. This was fabbed from a piece of lexan scrap left over from the wheel wells of a car body. Very tough stuff, but thin and was already bent to 90' for mounting. I removed the micro switch from the Badger so I could mount the board in the throttle opening above the T/R servo. I got an extra set of the Throttle servo mounts (610-122) I would have something solid to mount the board to. I soldered in the female end of a servo extension to the old switch posts so the remote "switch" can be plugged/ unplugged during repairs. I also stripped off the mounting plate and spacers from the board. I then had to widen the hole spacing just a little on the board so the mounts would line up with the servo mounts.
For the switch I just used a servo extension and an extra bind plug. To turn on the radio simply remove the bind plug. It is super easy to get to with no canopy removal, and it is a fail safe switch, so it is a little safer.
The switch sells for $32.00 and the servo mounts are $8.00. With the other misc parts, I'm at about $45.00 for the whole setup. A small price to pay for the convenience.
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