Every person with the exception of one that I have let fly my E7 or E5 have bought one or the other the list continues to grow every month. Money was the obstacle for the individual who didn't purchase yet and he is saving for it now. I think this is a pretty good indicator of the flight characteristics of either Synergy machine. I like most others here did not start with Synergy helicopters. I went Blade, Align, Century before arriving here. First you need only to see the Synergy line in person to appreciate the quality of the parts and engineering that went into the design. As of today my E7 has 408 flights on it in less than 9 months. My E5 has 196 flights in less than 5 months. I have no part failures of any kind. There is no noticeable wear on the gear trains of either machine. Both of my machines fly beautifully but, when they are in need of maintenance everything is easily accessible. Another often overlooked area is support. Have you taken a few minutes to read some of the threads on this forum? You won't find a better group of helpful, knowledgeable people than exist on this forum. There is a reason that we welcome new Synergy owners to the "Synergy Family" when they introduce themselves. We are a family! My advise would be to fly all of the manufactures models that interest you. Talk to the people that fly them not only about performance but, maintenance, durability, support, parts availability, build and the dreaded crash repairs. If you can't find anyone that will let you fly a Synergy come on down I'll let you fly mine. I am a Synergy "Cheerleader" and I make no apology for it. I'm not sponsored, I'm not a Synergy Team member and I can fly anything I wish. I found a high quality product, supported by great people that is durable and looks and flies great. If you fly a Synergy it won't be long before we will be welcoming you to the Synergy family. Paint and hype only go so far take the Synergy challenge you won't be disappointed. If you have any specific questions we are here to answer them.