I had a toast to Rodney last night, great tip and drank a can of beer
This morning I cut off the ends of the can with scissors and also up the middle so I had a flat square of aluminium can.
I measured the thickness and it came out at 0.125mm as 4 thicknesses gave me 0.5mm I estimate I need.
So measured the mounts and they need to be 40 x 9 mm and the engine mount holes are 25mm apart.
Need to cut a dozen or so, so worth tooling up a but, used some MDF and marked lines at 0, 7.5, 32.5 and 40mm.
Cut 9mm strips as long as possible with a steel rule and Stanley knife, then cut to length and marked in pencil the motor screw hole lines. Then used my caliper to scribe a cross for hole centre at 4.5mm from the edge.
Now for the holes, tried a paper punch but too big and ragged, wanted 5mm hole so used a 5mm drill. I looked for some steel to drill, couldn't find any so thought what the heck, just drilled a 5mm hole in my pillar drill table, at least the hole will be bang on centre with the drill.
So now I use the pillar drill as a press/punch (POWER IS OFF DRILL NOT TURNING), just place the shim in the right place, press an inch and a perfect hole punched out
Yes mine has lasers which I calibrated to make easy positioning, suppose you could clamp something to position the shim against like a steel rule.
I used 4 each side as planned, torqued motor down and set up the clutch stack, the way I see it is judge by eye that the clutch bell is level with the shroud and see that the start shaft is at its free point. A slight lean will be felt by the start shaft rubbing.
Inserted the main gear on the shaft, eureka, now have 0.5mm approx gap, slight backlash, more or less on par with my E7.
So took apart, amazingly the fan shroud sat perfect and I had loosened the screws earlier, so locktighted up, re-assembled everything, all good to go
Some photo's, extra servo is for Carbsmart, mixture tuning when engine is adjusted and broken in.
Also shows my Perfect Regulator Duo control switch, had to extend that cable by 7 cm, not for the light hearted.