The way I checked for the clutch stack to be vertical is by allowing the whole assembly to sit down on top of the clutch shoe. The bell sits on that big flat surface perfectly, and you can still feel the gap in the mesh. Now lift the assembly back up to where the frame bolts go into the bearing holder, and nip up the bolts and re check the amount of backlash. If it feels the same, your good to lock tight each bolt in turn, knowing that the whole assembly is fully vertical.
Mesh is a funny thing, and it is different in different models. You have to set it looser that you believe correct on the TDR (still a helical cut gear) because of the extra heat produced in the 2 stage gearing compared to the dinner plate size main gear on the E7/N9. If you don't, it WILL strip. My TDR has seen over 200 flights on that original main gear, and its been clocked at 124mph and its not a hot setup (2100 max HS)
I hope to get the N7 finished by next week end for the maiden. (Running my own company affords me little time so its a few hours late each night I get to build