I attended a fun fly this weekend in Lehi, Utah put on the by Utah helicopter association. It was a small event but they had some really good vendor support. Met a bunch of super nice people and had a really good time. The local club, KSL news, and Make a Wish flew two Make a Wish kids around in KSL's Jet Ranger. They landed at the field during the fun fly and the club presented the two kids with Blade Scout CX helicopters. It was pretty cool. I got to meat another new Synergy team pilot, Kym Thompson. He was a former MA pilot. That guy can pretty much non-stop piro while doing just about anything.
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.487291194735708.1073741832.277356602395836&type=1I had the first crash of the event. I was flying my N7 when it basically just lost lift. I was giving it full collective and it just started coming down slowly. I finally hit throttle hold and watched it drop. At the time, it looked like it might have been coming down in the river that was behind a line of trees. We ran over to where it went down and, luckily, it was in a tree. One of the thin, young guys climbed up and got it out of the tree. It looked like maybe the OWB wasn't working because I could spin the tail blades and the main gear wouldn't turn. Cosmetically, it looked like there was zero damage. The next morning, I started to tear into it and found that the Jesus bolt on the main gear was gone. I replaced it, cleaned up the helicopter and checked it over thoroughly. I fueled it, fired it up, and went out and flew it! I made up for that one by really wadding up my other N7 the next day, though.
In case you're wondering what I look like, here's a picture of me scaring some young children...