Steve couldn't of said it Better!! He ,Matt and all the other guys have invested Tons of time in Figuring out how to get the most out of this already Perfect machine!, If you stick pretty close to the set ups of these helis you will be right there. alot of the Team Guys fly pretty much the same set ups. Alot of the Guys fly the Futaba CGY750, others V-bar, Beast-X. But in regards to the Switch glow and Blades and Servo Combinations, All the guys will say the same.. Rail Blades all day long. 96mm Rail Tails. Pay close attention to the Tips and Tricks post for this will help you in the long run in Proper set ups and overall flight performance. You will dial your heli in to what you like in regards to feel and Gains. We have all done the Home Work with one thing in mind the absolute Best Performance. Pretty Much all the Guys are running the same Motor's and Pipes as well, and Headspeeds are for the most part very close.. Your going to really enjoy this Heli and even more Synergy as a Whole.. Everyone of these guys are hear for 2 reasons, Love for the Brand and Love for the Hobby! Never Hesitate to ask a question. And lastly Congrats on your Purchase.