These are just my opinions, for what they're worth...
Ok additional Questions
4. tell me your Transmitter preference and WHY
Futaba 14SG. I started out with a Spektrum DX8. The first issue I had with it was the antenna came unplugged internally. I also had to replace the antenna twice when it broke. I didn't care for the gimbals and never could get the tension adjusted to where I liked it. The biggest one for me, though, was the software bug that kept destroying my helicopters that took me quite a while to finally figure out. There was a bug that if you had the timer set to "vibrate" and you hit throttle hold while it was vibrating it could send random servo commands. Even though mine was supposedly not one of the ones that was affected, I know for a fact that it was because I watched it slam my helicopter into the ground when I hit throttle hold. It took me so long to figure it out because it didn't happen every time and sometimes I would end my flight and hit TH before or after the timer alarm was going off. I didn't know about that issue until I definitively found out what was happening and when I posted what happened I got several replies within minutes asking if I was flying a DX8.
I bought the 14SG and I feel like it's in a completely different class of electronics. It just feels way more substantial when you hold it, for one. The gimbals are nice and smooth. The flexibility of the programming is steps ahead of the DX8 with one exception. Not being able to start/stop timers based on throttle percentage is the only thing I miss from the DX8.
Granted, these are the only 2.4GHz radios that I have first-hand experience with but I wish I would have started with the Futaba.
5. What battery preference for the Heli
I'm currently running Pulse Ultra 2550mAh 2S receiver packs on mine. Prior to upgrading to HV servos I was using a 2100mAh LiFeSourse LiFe pack.
6. Good to great battery chargers of today, which ones are they
I have a Revolectrix Powerlab PL8 that I really like. I had a PL6 prior to that and I just upgraded for the higher wattage that the PL8 is capable of. I built my own power supply from two PC server power supplies that I bought for $18/pair off of Ebay.
PS - NEVER NEVER NEVER sell all your stuff!!! No matter what the circumstances! Even if you're getting out for life! You'll be back and you will regret selling all of your support equipment!
I guess this is one instance where my hoarding tendencies could pay off.