When I lived in Atlanta and flew at CCRC (where Matt used to fly before his move to AL), I took for granted how great it was to have a small peek inside the R&D lab before things got announced publicly. It was really cool to see and hear about what Matt was working on for the "next big thing." Since moving to Nevada over a year ago, I am so out of touch! Any insights into where the Synergy lineup is headed in the next year or two? Bigger ships? Smaller ships? More investment in nitro (to capitalize on what seems to be a hugely successful N7)? Back to electric? Just curious as to what's coming down the line.
Funny thing is I don't really even have a preference. I have been so pleased with the progression of the entire Synergy lineup since Matt revived the company a few years ago, that I will almost certainly buy, build, and fly whatever it is that Matt comes up with next.