I don't think OMG makes align servos.
Hi Mike!
Have a look at the Align 815/855 and their specs, and then look at the equvalent OMG's. There can be no doubt in my mind that these are the same servo. If you can find any one else brand making the Align servos I would fint it very interesting.
I just verified with the u.s. distributer less than 2 min ago that they are not made by the same people. similar specs only mean similar specs. they probably tried to match the OMG published specs if you ask me. OMG servos are extremely strong...
Well, so did Savox say also in the begining, but after I while they had do admit that they made servos for Align.
So who do you think makes this servos for Align?
I don't know. all I care about is my OMG servos work better than either of the Align, or Savox sets I have owned in the past. people act like it is a huge conspiracy that IF a 2 servos are made at the same factory that they must be the same (NO, I am not saying that OMG servos are made by the same people, I am only making a statement), even if that is the case, its still not true. here at work we own our own fabrication shop. we provide fab for several different companies throughout the state. every company requires different specs for their pipe, their welds, the way they want threads cut, if they want cut, or roll grooving, domestic or foreign material.....my point, it all comes from this same fab shop, and they all consist of different materials with different specs.
here locally there is a plastics company that makes dashboards, and door panels for both Mercedes and Honda (both local car plants). does this mean that Mercedes and Honda dashboards and door panels are the same product? No.....