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Author Topic: Tail travel bls276sv vcontrol.  (Read 2838 times)

Offline tshelby73

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Tail travel bls276sv vcontrol.
« on: October 15, 2018, 09:43:53 PM »
I have Futaba bls276sv with the longest supplied Futaba horn on my E7SE and with tail pitch lever 90 degree I get 100 towards gearbox and maxed at 120 towards blades and still have more to go on blade side. Is this normal.

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Offline Grimmy

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Re: Tail travel bls276sv vcontrol.
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2018, 07:56:25 AM »
While I don't have my SE any more, I ran into the same thing on my 766 and 806, using that same servo.  My values were around the 114-116 mark.  I had to adjust the tail control rod length to get the numbers closer together.

Offline tshelby73

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Re: Tail travel bls276sv vcontrol.
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2018, 04:47:57 PM »
While I don't have my SE any more, I ran into the same thing on my 766 and 806, using that same servo.  My values were around the 114-116 mark.  I had to adjust the tail control rod length to get the numbers closer together.
I thought about doing that also but then the geometry would be off where the center position almost has no pitch against torque. I’ll see how it flies as it doesn’t need as much pitch to the right since that direction is with the torque instead of against it.

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