I wasn't able to get my tail servo horn on at exactly 90
If using the recommended 16mm servo horn (page 14), the outermost hole of the 4-arm Futaba servo horn is the ticket. Since the Futaba servo spline is 25T and you have 4 arm options, one of the arms should be within 0.9° error. Incidentally, the Skookum is the only FBL system I have seen that incorporates a tail sub-trim feature.
(i bought a nicer looking metal horn)
I too like shiny metal bling. However, those metal servo arms are not servo friendly during crashes.
and i wasn't able to get any of the futaba horns on at 90 either.
Let the FBL unit sub-trim pick up the slack. For those who need to satisfy the OCD and not use any electronic sub-trim, there are 360° rotation servo horns, but they tend to be made of metal. I have never seen one in person.
Is it alright for me to just setup the tail with 5 degree pitch using my rc logger 2 like the manual says on page 43B, or would that be incorrect?
True except when setting up the SKookum FBL units, Skookum wants 0° tail pitch at neutral. For most other FBL units, setting up the tail as per page 43B (tail rotor bell crank 90° to tail box) should yield around +5° tail blade pitch. If you are not going to be flying using rate mode, that +5° is just a reference to verify the adequacy of the tail neutral mechanical setup, as it is hard to objectively measure the "tail rotor bell crank 90° to tail box" other than eyeballing.