It's Idaho, even though it looks like one of the plains states in this picture.
The clouds and smoke from all the forest fires are obscuring the mountain range that's usually really visible facing the direction that I took this picture. Unfortunately, you can't see all of the hops in the background, either. I live in one of the few places in the U.S. where they're grown and the fields that haven't been harvested, yet, are pretty cool looking (and they smell amazing). But I digress...
Okay, back from getting myself a beer after I got myself all worked up thinking about hops.
My E5 flies quite a bit differently than my N5c. My E5 is set up with 6S power, Rail 556 blades, and I run a head speed of close to 2500 rpm. I run the N5C at 2150 rpm. I imagine that a stretched E5 running Rail 606 blades would be a closer comparison but I've never run mine like that. I really like that they both fly quite differently and I don't see myself stretching the E5. It's just a blast to thrash on because it's got so much pop running the higher RPMs. I had no idea if I was going to like the N5C, based on what I'd read in all the nitro vs. electric threads on the forums. Without all the big batteries, the N5C is just really nice to fly and the nitro motor has really helped teach me better collective management skills. The OS 55 makes plenty of power to really move the N5C and prior to flying it I had absolutely no idea what collective management meant, LOL. It's pretty amazing just how ridiculous the power is that these electric motors make because I really had no idea what kind of stupid things I was doing and just powering through until I got the nitro. I like flying the N5C so much that as soon as I saw the videos of Matt flying the N7 I went out and bought everything I need to outfit one when they ship. I got to see Matt and Nick Maxwell flying it in Snohomish and I'm even more excited about it. That thing is just insane!