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Author Topic: N5c TT FBL swash & head linkage setup  (Read 3275 times)

Offline gismith64

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N5c TT FBL swash & head linkage setup
« on: January 26, 2014, 12:41:39 PM »
Help! which way to go now with linkage adjustment?

I've just completed the N5c TT swash plate leveling using Vbar 5.3 Pro setup with my 3 x swash (CCPM) linkages at 22mm between ball link ends as per the manual. The Vbar elevator precomp had me confused for a while after adjusting the swash trim in setup and exiting to find the swash level at joystick extents not as setup but figured that out after a while by nulling the Vbar elevator precomp to 0 temporarily to find the swash level all copasetic as trimmed in the Vbar setup.

I then mounted the rotor head, adjusted the 2 x  linkages to 28mm between ball link ends as per the manual only to find that I have +2.5 degrees on my blades.

How should I proceed with zero pitch (midstick) setup now? do I extend the 3 x 22mm linkages and retain the 2 x 28mm linkage lengths, do I extend the 2 x 28mm linkages and retain the 3 x 22mm linkage lengths or do I use a combination of adjusting both 22mm and 28mm linkages to achieve zero pitch (midstick) with equal pitch in + and - directions?

What is the optimum position for the washout control arms? normally horizontal at zero pitch (midstick) on most other helicopters but almost seems as being unachievable in this instance without playing with the length of the swash follower assembly ball link adapter setscrew lengths?



Offline Chris Sexton

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Re: N5c TT FBL swash & head linkage setup
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2014, 04:36:01 PM »
The starting lengths in the manual are a guideline. As long as the swash is level and you have zero pitch at mid stick you are fine. The difference in lengths could be anything from tolerance changes in the links to the distance you have the balls on the cyclic servos.

sent from my Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Chris Sexton
Synergy Factory Specialist / Rail Blades / Team Scorpion

Offline gismith64

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Re: N5c TT FBL swash & head linkage setup
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2014, 10:53:40 PM »
Thanks Chris!

If there is an optimum position for the washout arms to be achieved then I have some control over their position towards horizontal by adjusting the 3 x 22mm (CCPM) links and the ball link adapter lengths on the swash follower assembly. if there is no optimal position for these, should I just play around arbitrarily with the 3 x 22mm and 2 x 28mm linkages to achieve zero degrees at midstick and leave the ball link adapter lengths as received?

Appreciate your help!

Offline Chris Sexton

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Re: N5c TT FBL swash & head linkage setup
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2014, 08:10:06 AM »
I always run the washout arm links all the way in, just make sure you get them oriented correctly. 

It is a good idea to center the swash in the travel, will help with head setup.  I have had to readjust swash links to get the swash centered. Using Matt's recommended lengths on the swash arms should you pretty darn close.
Chris Sexton
Synergy Factory Specialist / Rail Blades / Team Scorpion

Offline gismith64

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Re: N5c TT FBL swash & head linkage setup
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2014, 03:35:16 PM »
Thanks again!

I set the swash links (FBL Rotors turnbuckles) at the recommended 22mm and went with the washout links all the way in less the 1/2 turn or so to get the orientation correct. This has achieved a pretty close +/_ on the collective travel which I adjusted to equal throws using the Futaba 14sg end point to 95 and 97 for pitch. everything else is at 99 and 99 (vbar sees 99 as 100 in TX tab). When the travel is adjusted in the vbar collective tab I have set +/- 13 degrees and am pretty happy with that although it seems that there is limited repeatability as I can switch everything off and come back to find I have +12.8 and -13.2 but maybe a function of the vbar or errors in digital pitch gauge??

I have a new issue with cyclic travel which I believe must be related to the vbar but I'm not sure how to resolve. I have set the cyclic to 8 degrees in the vbar cyclic tab however, when I exit setup I find that I can have up to +/- 14 degrees on full elevator and aileron stick commands ??? can you help with this issue or have you any similar experience with vbar or other flybarless control setup?   


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Re: N5c TT FBL swash & head linkage setup
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2014, 05:01:28 PM »
Thanks again!

I set the swash links (FBL Rotors turnbuckles) at the recommended 22mm and went with the washout links all the way in less the 1/2 turn or so to get the orientation correct. This has achieved a pretty close +/_ on the collective travel which I adjusted to equal throws using the Futaba 14sg end point to 95 and 97 for pitch. everything else is at 99 and 99 (vbar sees 99 as 100 in TX tab). When the travel is adjusted in the vbar collective tab I have set +/- 13 degrees and am pretty happy with that although it seems that there is limited repeatability as I can switch everything off and come back to find I have +12.8 and -13.2 but maybe a function of the vbar or errors in digital pitch gauge??

I have a new issue with cyclic travel which I believe must be related to the vbar but I'm not sure how to resolve. I have set the cyclic to 8 degrees in the vbar cyclic tab however, when I exit setup I find that I can have up to +/- 14 degrees on full elevator and aileron stick commands ??? can you help with this issue or have you any similar experience with vbar or other flybarless control setup?   

This is not an issue.  On VBAR's and most units setting the 8 degrees (or 10 with Bavarian Demon) you are setting a reference point.  The unit will use whatever throw is necessary to accomplish the task. The unit just needs to know what throw will give 8 degrees as a point of reference only.



Offline gismith64

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Re: N5c TT FBL swash & head linkage setup
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2014, 02:19:20 AM »
Thanks Alan for your clarification,

There was a fair bit of head scratching going on here in the wee small hours!

Seems like I'm setup now then! hopefully get her to the field at the weekend, may need to run a few tanks through the OS55 HZ-R in the back yard today or tomorrow.

Fingers crossed we are good to go now!

Thanks for all the help, really great forum :)



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Re: N5c TT FBL swash & head linkage setup
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2014, 04:05:15 AM »
Glad we could help.  Keep us posted on the maiden.


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Offline gismith64

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Re: N5c TT FBL swash & head linkage setup
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2014, 09:30:42 AM »
will do!

Just ordered N7, silverline vbar, MKS X8 servos, OS 105 HZ-R & PowerBoost pipe, SGP HVX Reactor, Switchglo-Pro, Rail 696 main, Rail 106 tail, TP G8 2100mah, 3S Lipo's..........anything else I should be thinking about? looked at BK servos but went with the X8 from MKS. What servo wheels and ball offsets provide the best resolution? I will no doubt invest in FBL rotors turnbuckle linkages.

Synergy provides the best engineering and common sense out there, a fan forever!



Offline gismith64

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Re: N5c TT FBL swash & head linkage setup
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2014, 02:19:55 PM »
Unfortunately back offshore for a month so maiden delayed until I get home but really happy with the build, setup and support from the forum.

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