Ok, I've selected a couple of pic's to display, let's see if I've figured this out! LoL!
And as Ross Lawton posted;
Good to hear your moving on with the build, you will be surprised at how quickly it comes together once you get going.
He was right! Once all the subassemblies were addressed (loctite) and the edges on the carbon fiber were sanded, the body built up rather quickly. It wasn't long and I was installing the servos. I started the edge sanding shortly after work on Friday, and before I knew it, it was late and I was having a difficult time keeping my eye's opened!;D So it was off to bed. I stopped at installing the second cyclic servo as the MKS servos are too tall and hit one another. After texting my buddy Mark, he made mention (as I was thinking of the same thing at the same time) to add some spacers under the mounting tabs. But at the time I was installing them and discovered the problem, I was too tired to think clearly and was thinking of buying different servos to put in. Yep, it was time for bed!
Saturday, after my morning routine, I headed to the hobby room to continue with the build. I found the spacers needed to move the two servos out by 3/16" 'ish, the thickness of the metal servo hold down plates that comes with the kit. Then I received a text from Mark wanting to go out flying!!! I said "What???" Me: "But I'm in the middle of a heli build!" Mark: "Let's go flying!" Me: "ok"… So we headed out.
Once back home, we looked at my progress on the N7. Then we noticed I was missing one boom support!
! I have two tail control rods, but one boom support. So after church today, I stopped at my local hobby shop and bought a carbon fiber rod that's very close to the same size…enough to get me by.
Out side of that…I've noticed several areas in the build that Matt paid extra attention to. Like the length of the bolts holding the clutch to the fan hub…they are long enough to go into the hub. In the past, I've built a couple of helis that used bolts that are only long enough for 4 threads going into the hub! 4 threads maybe enough to hold it on, but it won't last long. The general rule I've been told is 1 and a 1/2 times the diameter of the bolt, will give enough threads to hold properly. Me…I like to use as many as I can short of bottoming out the hole…but that's just me.
Anyhow, it's time to build some more on my N7! I have some Spartan Vortex programming to do before installing the elevator servo!
Ok…can't post the pic's, file size is too big! Oops!