Slow tail wag can be caused from many different things. Here are some common causes of slow tail wag.
1. Mechanical binding - Check your thrust bearing installation and make sure your push rod is operating smoothly.
2. Vibration - spool up without main and tail blades and feel for excessive vibrations.
3. Static? - possible but very unlikely. Static discharge will generally cause violent unpredictable "hits" on the tail or any control surface connected to the FBL unit. Spray your belt with silicone spray again and fly. If it goes away then you have your answer. Here is a perfect example of a static hit. -->
logo gain problem.nasty tail wagQuite frankly I have seen many E6/7's in the air and not one single model had static discharge issues that caused any sort of problem. I'm not saying there is no static because essentially the belt running through a tube is a van de graaff generator. The key here is controlling its build up and discharge. Your tests may show static on the pulley but is it enough to jump to your electrical components?.... probably not. I've owned many helicopters other than Synergy that were problematic with high levels of static discharge but it was always controllable via many popular means.