I'm going!!
10th LMAC Heli Fly-In
Sept. 9th - 11th, 2011
The 9th will also be a setup day. It's not in full swing until Saturday. But some like to be there as early as Thursday night so we welcome them. Jason will be the CD this year. I'll just go ahead and post this and he may want to alter it later.
Lunch served both days. $20 landing fee, free to spectators, pilot prizes. $100 prize for auto contest, otherwise open flying. Scale, 3D, FAI or just hovering, come fly with us!
www.lmacky.orgOn site RV camping is available. no hook ups. We would like to know if you are camping because one person on site will need a copy of the gate key.
There are several hotels in the area. These are the two I know to have had positive feedback:
The Sleep Inn is in Hamburg Pavilion. A new and large shopping area in Lexington and is surrounded by restaurants and shops. There is also has a large movie theater nearby. You can have pets for an extra fee. Probably the best hotel if you want to bring your family. The Hamburg Pavilion does have some of the worst traffic planning I've seen.
http://www.sleepinnlexington.com/There is also a Holiday Inn Express and several other hotels on Elkhorn Rd. It is at the closest exit to I64. I would recommend the Holiday Inn Express of the hotels on that exit. There are not many restaurants at that exit.
Holiday Inn Express
http://www.hiexpress.com2221 Elkhorn Rd
Lexington, KY 40505
(859) 293-0047
(859) 293-6544
(888) 400-9714
Map to field: