Awesome, I'm using CC120. My questions would be which pinion for which head speed? What gov mode am I looking for RPM mode? Should I trust the settings or RPM in CC software and is an optical tac absolutely necessary?
Also, I hope you do a vid on soldiering especially for the BEC to ESC I think I have an idea personally but would be good for others to see a pro do it
Can't wait.
I have setup many castle ESCs and the set rpm mode is the easiest.
I don't have a castle esc on this heli, but I will pull my 750 off the shelf and try and get a video of the setup process. Will give me something to do as I am still waiting on my Brain and cyclic servos for the E6.
Soldering, sorry I am no expert at soldering. I have the advantage that my best friend is a master micro electronics technician and he solders up my connectors and batteries. I can do it, but since I have access to a pro who is always looking for excuses to come talk helicopters, I just let him do it.
There are several good videos on the subject. One piece of advice. Don't try to do it with a $20 radio shack pencil. Soldering big connectors correctly and safely requires a tool capable of maintaining consistent heat. Most pencils heat too slow. Not to say you can't get a pencil that will work, but normally the best thing to do, in my opinion of course, is get a good 100-200watt soldering station.
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