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Author Topic: Radios  (Read 12512 times)

Offline Mark Burberry

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Re: Radios
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2013, 10:17:31 AM »
Anyone using JR?

JR 11x here.

Is there a big difference in quality for the gimbals on the 11x compared to the 9503?  Supposedly the new 14x has a great set of gimbals, but just wondering if I would notice.

Have not owned a 9503 so cannot speak on the quality of the gimbals between the two. I however can tell you that I have been very pleased with 11X.  Size, weight, gimbals, programming etc.

Some differences between the 11X over the 9503:
User configurable menus
SD card (Model expansion, firmware updates)
Switch assignment
More mixing functionality


Offline curmudgeon

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Re: Radios
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2013, 10:56:31 AM »
It is an expensive and time consuming proposition (setup and learning curve) switching from one technology to the next, specially if one has several ships already with all the hardware committed to one technology.

Have anyone objectively compared and contrasted the different transmitters and technologies?  Any objective and persuasive arguments to switch from something that works to alleged greener pasture?

Offline RyanW

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Re: Radios
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2013, 11:54:06 AM »
I have had most every radio out there in the past few years (within reason). I have been the most die-hard JR guy you could find. I also did my time at Horizon and had all of the Spektrum radios out there. Here is my take:


10X- best radio I have owned, best balanced (w/72mhz antenna)- not and option on 2.4GHz due to latency, not being native 2.4GHz

9303/9503- Excellent workhorse radio with the "JR Feel". Slow in comparison to modern 2.4GHz protocol. It will be the same speed as your DX7, but not the same as the DX7SE, Futaba FASST or JR DMSS

12X- same as 10X, but balance is off due to not having the long silver antenna sticking out. I modified mine and it is the most perfect radio out there except for it being slow (see 9303 info above)

11X/XG11- Horrible. I have owned them and I hated them. I would rather fly with the RealFlight transmitter. Super plastic feeling, the gimbals are a mile and a half apart. If you like the DX7, you will hate holding this. I bought my XG11 from a guy who owned it for three days. I sold it a few weeks after buying it. The guy who bought it from me sold it three days later. They just got it all wrong with this radio.

XG8- More "normal" gimbal spacing. Still extremely cheap feeling.

XG14- Same song, different verse. Basically expanded capability XG8

In summary, if you want the "JR Feel", your radios are 9503, 12X, DX7, DX7SE. These are all old protocol and are noticeably slower than current offerings.


I would really only consider the 8FG or 14SG. I have tried the 18MX, but it has that super wide gimbal spacing and just doesn't do anything for me.

8FG- probably your best option. It is fast, low latency and feels decent. I was surprised that the gimbals felt as good, if not better than my 12X. Futaba tried their best to make a radio as close to JR spec as possible and that is why they are selling so well. I think it was really a perfect storm. Spektrum released the DX8 with its massive issues at the same time and that opened the door for people to try the Futaba. Most of them never turned back.
The 8FG has very non-Futaba programming (trust me, that is a good thing!!!!) The gimbal spacing is reasonable, the radio has decent fit and finish and as I said before the gimbals feel good. I bought this while my 12X was down. The speed of the radio made it impossible to go back to my 12X.

14SG- several improvements over the 8FG- thicker, wider spacing between switches at the top and telemetry. I have one now and it is fine. I wish they had done a little better with the aesthetics. It is not the prettiest radio, but not offensive as the new JR trannys are.


Where do I start? Having worked at Horizon and dealt with the recalls I will never own another one. Period.

DX8- Didn't like the feel of it that much. Too many issues in the beginning. They have been worked out, but I still don't care for it.

DX18- Gimbals feel horrible to me and are spaced out like the high end Futaba. Not my thing.

DX7S- If I had to have a Spektrum, it would most likely be this one.

Overall- Spektrum have done some amazing things bringing 2.4GHz to the r/c industry (really a Paul Beard development purchased by Spektrum). I don't like their chrome plating of everything. Like we say in the mobile audio industry- you can't polish a turd, but you can chrome it.

Conslusion- If you don't mind the latency, the old style JR radios still have the best feel. Other than that I would encourage you to give the 8FG or 14SG Futaba a try. Remember- this is coming from a die-hard JR guy.

The best advice I could possibly give over all of the info above is to get one in your hands. If you have the chance to go to IRCHA, you will get to sample each one of these.


Offline Mark Burberry

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Re: Radios
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2013, 12:22:00 PM »

You certainly have tried a number radios out. All I can say is thank goodness for choice, as we all have different preferences. I think as you stated at the bottom of your post... The best is to get a feel for them in person and find what works for you.

Personally, once I got over the futuristic look of the 11X, I have enjoyed it. Gimbals feel the right spacing to me with my big hands. Have owned it now since 2011 without an issue.

Best is to get a feel for what works in your hands and offers the functionality you are looking for.


Offline Greg Jackson

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Re: Radios
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2013, 12:34:08 PM »
My DX7S is pretty nice, but it would be a lot to switch everything over so I can't really afford to do that.  I have really big hands so a bigger radio might feel good in my hands.  I just need to go to a store (not here) and try them out.  I think I held a futaba once and it felt too small in my hands.  But i love the servos.  I actually don't mind the futuristic look, but I want a good feel. The hobby shop here has some futabas so I will hold one again.
It's like drum sticks, I might hate a pair but someone else will love it. I can't make it to IRCHA because I have a drum camp that will pay a lot of money (to go towards more gear lol).  It would be nice if some new stuff came out at IRCHA and I might have more to choose from. 
« Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 12:38:38 PM by inner3 »
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Offline Kevin Dalrymple

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« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2013, 01:18:57 PM »
I agree radios are like hammers, guns and any other tools. It is what works with you and your hands.

I have not held the Futaba 14SG yet. I went from the 14MZ to the 8FG once they updated to 14 channels. I know people say you can use a 7 or 8 but I like the convenance of more channels. You can always not use them, but if you need them you won't have them.
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Offline Rodney Kirstine

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Re: Radios
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2013, 01:59:40 PM »
DX8- Too many issues in the beginning. They have been worked out, but I still don't care for it.

I'm going to disagree with the "they have been worked out" statement.  I bought mine last spring.  It wasn't on any of the recall lists but mine was having the issue where it would send my heli out of control if I hit TH while the timer (vibrate on) was going off.

I like the feel of the 14SG so much better. It just feels better, in every way, to me.

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Offline RyanW

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Re: Radios
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2013, 02:02:54 PM »
Maybe I should say "they have been worked on" ;)

Offline Rodney Kirstine

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Re: Radios
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2013, 02:18:27 PM »
I definitely appreciate HH customer service, they've been really good to me on all of the Blade and Spektrum products I've had.  The disappointing part is just how many times I've had the opportunity to need their service.

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Offline Kevin Feil

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Re: Radios
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2013, 11:45:30 PM »
I was a Hardcore JR/Spektrum Guy. All I can say is I would have never thought I would make the jump to Futaba. I am more than glad I made the Investment in doing so. Best Decision I have ever made.. it is truly Night and Day difference..

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Offline jabull

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« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2013, 10:54:48 PM »
I am considering a change from spektrum dx8 to futaba out of some genuine concern with radio weirdness lately... I do however have a love/hate relationship with my 130x and not sure what options would exist for that little fella if I tossed my spektrum radio. Another question I have is that I have been using spektrum satellites for receivers on my birds and I'm not sure what / if any satellite options exist for futaba?
Synergy E5, Protos 500, 130X, Wife and 4 Teenagers, CS Fender Strat, Old truck, Software Engineer


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« Reply #26 on: July 07, 2013, 04:51:14 AM »
I am considering a change from spektrum dx8 to futaba out of some genuine concern with radio weirdness lately... I do however have a love/hate relationship with my 130x and not sure what options would exist for that little fella if I tossed my spektrum radio. Another question I have is that I have been using spektrum satellites for receivers on my birds and I'm not sure what / if any satellite options exist for futaba?

With Futaba you would be using SBus receivers. One receiver per Heli.  One cable from the receiver to your FBL unit is all that is necessary. Each receiver has two antenna pigtails for diversity.
I made the switch about a year and half ago and have never looked back. I did keep my DX7 but I rarely use it. I fly an AxeCP brushless with the ready link as my primary micro. I do own a 130x a Nano but neither sees much use.
The 14SGH is a lot of radio for the money. The telemetry is awesome. I pay much more attention to my low batt warnings that I do my light timer. This has allowed me to stretch my flight times just a bit :-)


Offline RichL

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Re: Radios
« Reply #27 on: July 07, 2013, 04:20:33 PM »
JRX9503 here!  Beware DMSS technology is not compatible with V-Bar using remote satellites, a full size receiver is required.  It doesn't look as if V-bar or JR is trying to resolve the the issue as this has been ongoing for two years now.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 03:04:18 PM by RichL »
Synergy E5: Scorpion HKIII 4025-1100, CC ICE2 120HV, Rail 556/96, V-Bar Silverline

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Offline Greg Jackson

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Re: Radios
« Reply #28 on: July 07, 2013, 06:28:02 PM »
Rich, you have a JR? For some reason I though you were running futaba.
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Offline jabull

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Re: Radios
« Reply #29 on: July 08, 2013, 08:21:49 PM »
Does the 8fgs timer work similar to the dx8?  Just curious as I've grown to appreciate that feature a bit... especially the throttle out to engage/disengage.  I'm nervous about retooling from Spektrum, but i continue to have problems with nearly everything related to HH stuff in terms of quality. Support has been great.. but i get tired of having to call them. They have done a ton for the hobby and i love to bind all the little parf flyers etc easily and have become lazy using satellite receivers... but i get more an more nervous the more time and money that i get invested in my birds. :-\
Synergy E5, Protos 500, 130X, Wife and 4 Teenagers, CS Fender Strat, Old truck, Software Engineer