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Author Topic: Flight School  (Read 16337 times)

Offline Greg Jackson

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Flight School
« on: December 15, 2013, 01:43:22 PM »
I'm not sure where to post this, but maybe this could be a thread for people to ask about different moves/maneuvers, tricks, and basics.  I learned a TON from Matt at the 3D flight school and as I'm working on new moves, it would be cool to ask those that are more experienced.  Also, as I have learned some moves and refined basics, I found little tricks that might help someone else.  Just thought this could be a spot for people to share some knowledge.  Please don't think I am lame for posting this!
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Offline Barry Tilson

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Re: Flight School
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2013, 08:05:47 PM »
I'm in would be cool to use real flight for real time advise.

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Offline Greg Jackson

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Re: Flight School
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2013, 11:30:22 PM »
Excellent idea!  I am not sure how to do that, but tomorrow I will put a post up about some basics I learned in October and how I went about cleaning them up.  I am not an expert and my opinion may not work for everyone. But I have found when teaching music that everyone learns differently and advice found here might not help one person but could help the next. 
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Offline Greg Jackson

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Re: Flight School
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2013, 11:34:35 PM »
By the way, when I make this post tomorrow (not tonight because I just came in from a Christmas gig), if anyone on the Synergy team has an issue with it or feels my tips will not be helpful please send a PM if you feel I should not express my tips and I will abstain. Last thing I want to do is violate some rule I am not aware of.  I respect all of you and don't want to overstep any bounds. This isn't "my" thread, but I'm hoping everyone will contribute.  I definitely have some things I am working on during Christmas break and will ask for help if I can't figure it out. 
« Last Edit: December 15, 2013, 11:36:46 PM by inner3 »
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Offline Kevin Feil

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Re: Flight School
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2013, 10:09:38 PM »
I'm down with that ! Sounds cool...

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Offline Greg Jackson

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Re: Flight School
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2013, 11:27:56 PM »
Circles, Figure 8s, Loops
Sorry for the delay.  My mom had surgery (knee) today in TN and I've been waiting around this evening to make sure all is well, which it is.  Also I needed some time to setup my trex 150 and get things prepared for an electronics install for a new heli tomorrow.  But got to take out the E5 10 or so times today and worked on some things I thought I would discuss in the opening "chapter" on basics. 
First and foremost, I cannot take any credit for what I am about to disclose.  All of these tips derived from Matt when he was kind enough to take me in as a student back in October for his clinic (which I hope to still be a student of his when he has time!) and from the DVDs from Bert as well as the Eckstein Freestyle book.   Only difference is I am describing my process and not the way they described things. 
First, I am not going to go over set-ups because I am the least skilled in this regard on the entire Synergy Forum.  I think I learned a lot from Todd, Nick and Matt; but I just don't think the way an engineer or designer would think.  I approach things from a martial arts background (Shichidan in Bujinkan) and from teaching music in Academia.  But I must say it is a great bonus to have someone ELSE look over your set up because they will catch things you may not have.  So check things each day you are going to fly; and that is all I am qualified to say about that.
I spent most of this year working on tricks because I made a curriculum for myself that I was dedicated to.  Three years ago I spent my first 5 months doing nothing but hovering…and repairing.  Then I finally started working on figure eights, forwards and backwards flight.  I do not think I attempted my first flips for a little over a year.  Then I started working on inverted flying.  I progressed very slow in the beginning, but now things are going faster.  On Bert's DVD he asked people if they worked on basics and they said no.  As boring as basics might be they are very important.  And I got away from it.  I say this because I thought the 2 years I spent on basics was all I needed once I could flip and roll consistently.  I was wrong. 
Matt knew what tricks I had a handle on, so he didn't work with any of us on what we could already do.  He worked with us on collective management.  I was instantly afraid.  I started flying a lot higher up this year so I could escape from crashes, and the theory worked.  But I was taking everything too fast.  During the clinic everything was slow and smooth and I absolutely loved the feel of it. It was like I was flying again for the first time.
The first things I would like everyone to try, those who are reading this, are some basic SLOW circles.  I saw slow because going slow and big was something I hadn't done in a couple of years and I was uncomfortable with it because I stopped practicing that.  Next begin to do some figure 8s… going one direction, then do the opposite.  Really slow. 
With some momentum I could do these fine, but going slow and really big required a lot smaller motion and I was losing my track.  Even though I had Rail blades on. (hahaha, I'm cheesy).  What I realized was the problem as I processed the information is I got nervous doing the move, which led to me not using both sticks.  It sounds obvious, but if you are having trouble with the slow and big figure 8, make sure both sticks are moving an equal distance. 
Once you have your figure 8s pretty good, act as if you are standing in the middle of a football field.  When you reach the 50 yard line do an aileron roll. 
The next step is to then do the figure 8s backwards and add the roll after you have that down.  Then I would work on forward inverted figure 8s and backwards inverted figure 8s with the same formula.  Once you have the heli moving faster it will then seem easier because you went slow at first. 
Next, work on big loops.  When that is pretty good, sustain the inverted portion and at the "50 Yard Line" do a piro, then continue the rest of the loop.  One variation I started working on last month is to do a roll at the spot I would do the piro.
Working on all of this will help, even though it seems like it won't.  Even though I perform advanced literature for concerts, I still go back to some basic things every now and then because you can still learn something from that. 
The key is to not get stagnated and to always keep learning.  Practice is the other big thing.  Even if the weather is crappo, I try to get on the sim each day.  The more you practice, the faster you will advance.  I am incredibly busy, but I think if you want to see improvement you should get in at least 5 days a week of practice time.  Real heli is great (on a Synergy even better), but if you get on the sim that is still something.  Consistency not just in executing the move, but in daily application. 
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Offline Greg Jackson

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Re: Flight School
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2013, 11:42:56 PM »
Traveling Flips

I am trying to keep each section short so someone doesn't see a huge set of paragraphs and not read.  I will cover traveling flips before getting some sleep.  (gotta check on the power lab real quick)…..

Ok, so another move I never tried on my own until I was asked to do it: traveling flips.  At first I thought it was just flipping while moving forwards or backwards.  I thought it was simple enough, I do it all the time by mistake.  Well, the point is complete control at all times.  I think there is a mental side to flying just like there is a mental side to drumming, martial arts, golf, baseball, etc.  There is a popular book called "The Inner Game of Tennis" that I based my dissertation off of.  Funny thing is my method is called The Synergy Method…back in 2006 before I even knew I would start flying RC.  You have to believe that you are causing the helicopter to go exactly where you place it regardless of outside factors such as wind. 
For traveling flips, move from left to right, nose forward at first.  Then do a partial (backwards) flip, but when the nose is around the 10 to 11 o'clock position, discontinue the flip and add negative on the collective.  As it travels at that angle for a few feet then continue the rest of the flip, but have the nose down at an angle and add positive. 
For me, it works best to add the negative once I get the helicopter in the proper angle.  The same is true with adding positive.  Once this is mastered, travel a shorter distance between the positive and negative portions (as in when you are giving negative you should be traveling forwards, then continue the flip and add positive which should have you traveling forwards).  Then add the variation of traveling forwards and doing  a forward flip instead of a backwards flip, but do the same positive/negative motions on the collective stick.  And also try all of this going backwards, or beginning inverted.  I have not tried this yet, but am about to on the sim as soon as I hit post.
Knowing that you are in complete control builds confidence.

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Offline Airbass

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Re: Flight School
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2013, 12:09:19 AM »
Very cool! Thanks

I am interested in developing collective management. Did Matt teach specific exercises for that during the clinic?

I've been following the method from Archmage on Helifreak which is mostly based on ail/ele (right thumb). It is very good though. In one year I could fly slow circles in all orientatons left and right rudder. In summer I started again inverted.

Sym practice is all for a family father.

Offline Greg Jackson

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Re: Flight School
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2013, 10:28:55 AM »
I have another collective management "exercise" to add.  In a recording session now and then I want to maiden a new heli.  Spent 12 hours yesterday getting it set up, I hate set up.  I will try to wwrite some ideas when the sun sets.
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Offline Greg Jackson

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Re: Flight School
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2013, 12:37:24 AM »
Collective Management

So all of that work on the new heli only to have to send the ikon unit back.  Oh well.  So I got in some flying today after losing 2 days trying to set up a heli without any results.  As far as collective management, I think the traveling flip taught me a lot.  In the book I mentioned earlier, Esckstein defines traveling flips by starting a loop from pulling back on the elevator, hitting zero pitch, let the heli start falling back to the ground, then pull back on the elevator again to continue inverted if you entered upright.  I have seen most people call that "The Wall".  I define traveling flips by having the flips move across the field from endzone to endzone.  I think if you are moving in forward flight from right to left, then pull back on collective until the nose is pointing to about 1 or 2 o'clock, then discontinue the elevator pull and then punch negative, then follow up by doing a "half flip" that puts the nose at about 8 o'clock, then punching positive.  I never tried hitting negative like that at that angle until the clinic.  It was an eye opener from me, and I then understood that doing the same for positive is a good way to get the heli to move in a direction that would be necessary for some moves. 
Another good collective management exercise I didn't do at the clinic but I started working on myself are 4 point flips.  We did do 4 point rolls, but 4 point flips help you to see things a little clearer, and it can be done stationary.  I did not plan to get into these two maneuvers yet, but if you already know how to do them then see if that helps with your collective management. 
Probably one of the best exercises to help collective management might be stall turns.  This seems like such a basic move that people probably stop thinking about the benefits.  But doing stall turns will help you to find zero on your collective.  That was my big lesson from the clinic, finding zero.  I plan to have a post on ways I improved finding zero on the transmitter.  Another for the more advanced guys who still want to have more control over their collective, try the diamond and also do the diamond sideways.
One thing I thought about today is focus.  I flew pretty well today, the heli did what I wanted it to.  But a couple of times I let the mind wonder and almost lost orientation a couple of times.  The worst one was doing piro flips pretty high in the sky and it got really cloudy.  We know how our Synergy canopies are; I stopped paying attention for a moment as to where I was in the move and almost lost it.  It took awhile to get back in the saddle, but I knew I had to try again on the next battery pack to rebuild confidence.  Luckily things were better.  But the main thing I learned is you must stay focused.  And another thing that is important is to believe you can fly the move you are attempting.  I guess what I am trying to say is stop over-thinking! Once you try to think about where the sticks go, you lose that natural connection.  After practicing on the sim we develop kinesthtic motions that should enable us to just let the hands do the move without using the mind to initiate each movement.  We must not think, but react.  Reaction is much faster then having a thought and then executing. 
Many of us, like myself, began by teaching ourselves and researching on the internet.  I recommend going to the 3D flight school if it is ever within a couple of hundred miles.  Having a master teach you helps more than you would ever think.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 08:57:47 AM by inner3 »
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Offline dpelletier

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Re: Flight School
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2013, 10:54:33 AM »
What is, "the diamond"?
Dany -  Not on any Team  :( maybe some day :)
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Offline Greg Jackson

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Re: Flight School
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2013, 01:11:42 PM »
What is, "the diamond"?

I'm about to get on the road to see my mother -in-law, I will post as soon as I get there. 
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Offline dpelletier

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Re: Flight School
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2013, 08:52:19 PM »
I'm looking to buy RealFlight 7 to participate in some on-line training with you, seems all you Synergy guys are using that Sim.
I currently only have Phoenix.
Dany -  Not on any Team  :( maybe some day :)
Synergy E5 CGY-750 (my favorite heli)
Furion 6 Flybarless, Skookum 720
Beam E4(v1) FBL, Skookum 540
Futaba 14sg

Inching my way out of being a newbie...

Offline Greg Jackson

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Re: Flight School
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2013, 01:21:56 AM »

I planned to go a systematic route with this thread, but I will try to explain things if someone asks.  I am really hoping some of the awesome pilots will answer questions about the tricks, but until then you guys are stuck with me!
The diamond can essentially be thought of as 90 degree flips performed at the corners of a square standing on one of the points of the square.  I have seen it called the bavarian rhomb also.
Most times you will come in straight and level down the flight line, but it could probably be performed stationary as well.  Push the elevator into a 45 degree angle and add as much positive collective as you can. Get fairly high, maybe 50 feet or more, than do a short pause like you would in a rainbow or metronome (same as a tic toc but with a stop).  then push elevator another 90 degrees and then full negative on the collective.  You should now be at the top of the diamond.  Add another 90 degree push on the elevator and then another full positive on collective, followed by the last 90 degree push on elevator BUT!!! Be very cautious about how much negative collective you add.  You will move to the ground very fast. 
One thing I think about when doing this is to not necessary have the two stick movements in unison.  I will make my move towards one point of the diamond, but when I get to that corner I will switch directions, then add positive or negative depending on the direction I am going.  Another tip is to think about using the same direction on the elevator each time as you transition to the corners.  If you are going forwards, you will push up on the collective no matter if you will give a negative or positive input.  Also, if you are having trouble with a particular side of the diamond, just isolate that movement.  For me, I had trouble getting a really clean angled descent on the last part of the diamond, so I would just work on getting that one movement down really well.  Instead of working the other 3 that were pretty good, I spent that amount of time just on the one side and benefited from time management and collective management. 
Another variation is to do it sideways.  But same thing.  If you give a left aileron input, you will do that each time.  Also try variations of coming in backwards, start inverted, and if you are one of the 3D fighter pilots, do this while pirouetting, which I have not tried yet...and may not tonight. 
Sorry if this seemed rush, I just got off the road and am sleepy.  Plus we have a tornado watch and I want to make sure this is posted before the weather gets nasty. 
Let me explain again to give a better visual though. Not talking stick movements, but what you should see.  (for this example the heli is moving right to left in front of you)
Heli moves to centerstage, then hits an angle with the nose pointed down but adding positive collective will cause the heli to move up and at an angle.  Then pushing up on the elevator again will put the heli in an inverted position with the nose pointed into the diamond.  The heli then moves up and at an angle opposite of the previous one.  Top of the diamond, another partial flip has the nose angle up while still inverted, but since you are moving down the side of the diamond you add positive collective to bring the heli away from the center of the form.  Then another push on the collective will bring the heli upright and at an angle, the negative collective will bring the heli back to centerstage.  That last angle can be tough, the angle must be correct to keep the heli from dropping like a rock. 
This is a pretty good exercise for collective management.  I am not a trick collector.  But I find tricks that will help me to be a better technician. 
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Offline Greg Jackson

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Re: Flight School
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2013, 01:23:24 AM »
I'm looking to buy RealFlight 7 to participate in some on-line training with you, seems all you Synergy guys are using that Sim.
I currently only have Phoenix.

I have RF 6.5.  I thought I saw that RF7 will not link up online with previous versions.  Maybe I am wrong. 
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