Definitely upgrade to 1.2, it flies better than the previous version when properly setup, the only real problem I've seen is people not being able to set it up effectively due to the new features/settings, I've been able to solve every problem someone comes to me with, usually it's the head response or servo refresh rate setting.
Here's my notes for good general starting settings, this will get you the "VBar" feel with the fast off center performance of the CGY750, best of both worlds:
ROT Equa = ON (Piro Comp)
PhaseEqu = ON (check correction direction)
Head response ... low number = faster response + more heat + greater tendency to bobble .. raise to lower temp and remove bobble effect, can be different for each axis
Servo refresh 285hz for all Futaba digital servos
I gain on AIL and ELE set to no more than 35%
D gain set to anywhere between 0 and as much as 50%
Start with AIL and ELE total gain at ~65%, lower as needed
AVCS.DMP set to 100% on AIL and ELE
AIL/ELE Rate constant set at 150%
AIL and ELE control feel to somewhere between 7 and 10
In some cases, increasing the ELE Stop Delay improves ELE bounce. The higher the I gain, the more tendency for bounce. Run I gain no higher than needed for good straight line tracking and stability
Decreasing the control IN delays to little or nothing improves the linearity of the control feel and makes the model feel less "sticky" off center
Control OUT delay on ELE set to 8-10; 6 works pretty well on AIL. Remember to do both sides of stick travel.
VERY important that the swash AFR's be maintained in the 50-60% range for your referenced cyclic range
Excessive I gain usually shows up in a bounce at the end of abrupt ELE input
The slower your piro rate, the lower the ROT.His value will be. The secret to tuning is to watch the disk and get it to stay as level as possible
Use lower gains for NORMAL and HOLD flight modes so the disk doesn't fight ground effect in autos, you get that "decayed" felling during autos this way, mine are 40/45, idle1 is 50/55, idle2 is 60/65